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Store info

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays

Pom Pom Quarterly

Mini Pom - Happy Knits for Little Kids


Pom Pom Quarterly

Mini Pom - Happy Knits for Little Kids


 A collection of 11 knitting and crochet patterns for kids aged 0-10, Mini Pomreimagines classic Pom patterns for our tiny friends, alongside a few just-for-kids designs in our fun and modern style!

Designed with growing bodies, and the way they move, in mind, and we hope they’ll bring you and the young people you knit them for years of joy and cosy memories!