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Store info

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


We all know that Baggu makes really great bags, but Baggu bags make great project bags too! We love the zippered bags for small to medium projects, and the baby baggu is a great way to organize your projects.

The Ultimate Spring Project Bag: The Fanny Pack, the latest on-trend style from Baggu is so perfect for those small projects on the go (think socks or hats), and there's two separate compartments- one for your phone and wallet, the other for your project. So perfect! The fanny pack comes in uplifting Spring colours, cornflower, teal, marigold, and black. 

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Standard Baggu

From $18.00

Baby Baggu

From $16.00
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3D Pouch Zip Set

From $48.00
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Go Pouch Set - Hello Kitty and Friends
