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Store info

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays

Crunchy Arts and Crafts

Welcome to Crunchy Arts and Crafts!  

We offer workshops and classes on all things crafty, specializing in natural materials and traditional techniques.  

Instructor, Shannon Aitken, has taught children and adults and loves sharing her passion for fiber arts and creative expression with others.  

Upcoming Workshops


Starting in January 

Kids' Club - Knitting:  Your child will learn how to knit through hands-on instruction over 4 weeks of after-school lessons.  Tuesdays, 4 to 5 pm.  Ages 6 to 12

Kids' Club - Arts and Crafts: Explore colour and texture through multimedia art and craft exploration.  The children will be guided through different projects while learning new techniques with various materials.  Weekly afterschool instruction.  Wednesdays, 4 to 5 pm.  Ages 6 to 12

Teens' Club - Knitting:  Learn how to knit through hands-on instruction as you work through a series of projects.  Weekly afterschool instruction.  Thursdays, 4 to 5 pm.  Ages 13 to 18

To register or for more information email

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