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Store info

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


Beyond Knit & Purl: Cables



Beyond Knit & Purl: Cables


Always wanted to learn how to knit cables but have you been confused by instructions in knitting patterns and online videos? Then this is the class for you! You’ll learn how to carry your cables to the front and back of your knitting, a few different cable patterns, and how to decipher charted and written cable patterns. At the end of the class you’ll have a firm foundation on how cables are created and how to use them for the best effects in your own knitting.

Class Prerequisite: You must be comfortable with casting on and binding off, the knit stitch and purl stitch. 

Materials Required: 5mm straight or circular needles (min. 24”), medium worsted weight yarn, stitch ring markers, and a cable needle. Materials can be purchased at the shop prior to or during the class.

Instructor: Matt Sparling
