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Store info

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays


144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

144 James St North

Hamilton, Ontario

Tuesday -Sunday

10:30am - 5pm

CLOSED Mondays

Fall KAL 2021

Sept 18 - Nov 13

Hurray! It's time for our annual fall KAL, which, after all the heat of summer, is maybe our most anticipated - or is that only us?! :) 

This autumn, we're looking forward to that back-to-school, fresh-start feeling - especially after these many months of covid restrictions. We're looking at new patterns with exciting techniques to freshen up our knitting skills and wooly wardrobes, as well as simple-but-timeless patterns for everyday use. We're craving big, oversized wraps and beautiful colour combos, as well as delicate lace projects and bobbles. 

While we won't be hosting any in-person KAL meetings this month, we're still hopeful to do some knitting together towards the end. 

As always we have a Ravelry inspiration board we're always adding interesting new and old projects to get your creative juices flowing. Here's what we're casting on  (today - subject to changes and additions 😉 ): 

Tracy: Silvatica Scarf from PPQ 28
Kate: Wardie cardigan in Finull
Cathy: Rift Tee or Bessie
Amanda: Split between a Patina in Peace Fleece or the Sandstone Cardigan in Finull
Laura: Felix Pullover in Peace Fleece

You must purchase your yarn for the knit-along after August 1st, or during the knit-along until the deadline date, in order to qualify for the prize draw. You must purchase a minimum of 800 yards for your project. If your project does not meet the required yardage, you can still join, but you won’t be able to enter the draw. If you finish your project by the deadline date, your name will enter a draw to win a $60 Handknit Yarn Studio Gift Card! (one entry per qualifying finished project)

If you need some inspiration, take a look at our Ravelry Bundle!

To join our Fall KAL you'll start by choosing a suitable pattern, purchasing your yarn at Handknit Yarn Studio and letting us know you'd like to participate. You can do this via  email, phone, Instagram DM or Facebook Message. Once we hear from you we'll add your name to our official KAL list. On (or before) the final KAL date, November 13th, we ask you to submit your finished project to Handknit Yarn Studio by midnight in order to qualify for the draw.
You can submit your project to us by email, Instagram DM or Facebook Message. If you've been sharing on our Ravelry Forum, please make sure to submit your project  email, Instagram DM or Facebook Message as well.

Bi-weekly Sunday Morning KAL Meetings are currently cancelled due to COVID-19. Instead, please join us on Instagram on scheduled Saturdays at 11am for Knit Cloud!
Knit Cloud is our new regular event to replace our in-person Knit Circle we used to hold in store. During the Fall KAL, please join us on Knit Cloud where we'll host our Fall KAL Meetings as well! We hope you'll want to share the screen with us to show your projects.

We have some really great suggestions in our Ravelry Group Bundles
CLICK HERE for the FallKAL 2021 Bundle

1. Post to instagram with the hashtag, #HKFallKAL2021
2. Email us a photo of your finished project to
3. Share in our Ravelry thread
4. On Knit Cloud
We hope to see you at our Saturday Knit Cloud
on Instagram Live every second Saturday at 11am
Send a request to share the screen with us and show us your KAL projects!


Remember to tag and share your progress on Instagram or Ravelry during the knitalong - sharing is a big part of the fun!!
We love to repost your progress to our stories to keep everyone motivated.
Thanks for taking part!